If you’re here, reading this whisky blog, that’s because you love whisky, and just for that, I already like you. That’s cool cause i like it too! “Yeah dude, otherwise you would not have done this blog” – Sure 😐 In the past, i didn’t like whisky … But one day a friend of mine (hi ​​Luc!) suggest me a glas of whisky after a good meal, I decline politely saying “I don’t really like that” so he asked me “Ok but … Have you ever drunk a really good whisky?”. And then everything changed, to the delight of my partner (hi Audrey!), Or not … Rather not :p

I would now qualify myself as an enlightened amateur, I became the one you ask some advices in my circle of friends but there are so many whiskies in this world, and so many subtleties, that I do not see myself claiming to be more than that. And I’m still learning and discovering each day. Especially through Ruben’s blog (www.whiskynotes.be). He made me discover many good things and I encourage you to visit his blog. My tastes are quite close to his ones and never regretted a purchase done after following his advice.

“Yeah but hey, so it’s just another blog, just visit his one” – You can, but two opinions are better than one and who knows, your tastes may still be a little closer to mine 😀 And some bonuses are coming.

My notes will, of course, be totally subjectives. I’m able to recognize the work done on a whisky, but after all the impressions for each one are different according to our own tastes. So trust your palate first 😉

Thank you for reading me and … Here come the first tasting notes 😀


PS: I usually speak French so… Sorry for the rough translation!